Treatments & Management

You Don’t Need to Suffer

Treatments and Management

Once Dr. Angela finds the root causes of your allergy, she will work with you to treat your symptoms and help you manage them in the future. Often, uncomfortable symptoms that patients have suffered through for years can be relieved by medication or other treatment methods. Call us today at (972) 954-9826 to learn about your options for relief and take the first step to enjoying life without the uncomfortable symptoms of your allergies.

Avoidance is Key

Food Allergy Management

If Dr. Angela determines that you have a food allergy, she will prescribe an epinephrine auto-injector (commonly known as an EpiPen) and teach you how to use it to keep you safe in emergencies. You may also be given other medication, depending on the type and severity of your allergy. The best way to manage a food allergy is to avoid consuming the food that causes you problems. Dr. Angela will also give you preventive education to help keep you well-informed about your allergy so you can steer clear of any issues.

Treatment Options

Skin Allergies

Once Dr. Angela determines the cause of your skin allergy (or contact dermatitis) and treats the irritation, she will work with you to develop a plan to avoid contact with the substances that are causing you discomfort. If needed, topical creams such as corticosteroids or anti-itch creams may be prescribed to help you feel better sooner. These creams are commonly used to treat your irritation, but avoidance is the safest and most effective way to provide and maintain relief.  

Treatment and Desensitization

Drug Allergies

Drug allergies can be very severe and even life-threatening. If you are diagnosed with a drug allergy, Dr. Angela will help you alert your other healthcare providers to make sure you are never prescribed a drug that would put your health in jeopardy. A medical alert bracelet can also be used to inform other medical professionals of your allergy.

If you are allergic to a medication that you must take daily, Dr. Angela can perform drug desensitization, a process that enables you to tolerate the needed dose of a drug with minimal side effects.

Allergic reactions to penicillin (one of the most common drug allergies) can also be evaluated very easily in our clinic.  Of those who report penicillin allergy, almost 90%, can safely take the drug.  This mislabeled penicillin allergy can put you at risk of increased antibiotic resistance, higher medical costs, and suboptimal medical care. If you have a drug allergy or you display symptoms of one, call Allergy & Asthma Care of Wylie for safe, compassionate treatment.


Venom Allergy Treatments and Risk Prevention

If you have a venom allergy and are stung or bit by a harmful insect (such as a honeybee, wasp, hornet, or fire ant), this situation can be very dangerous and even life-threatening. Dr. Angela will work closely with you to identify the culprit and develop a prevention and treatment plan that will keep you out of harm’s way. Treatment for a venom allergy can include medications, shots, and/or an epinephrine auto-injector, commonly referred to as an EpiPen. You should carry your EpiPen with you at all times in case of an anaphylactic reaction (a severe, life-threating allergic reaction that can be fatal if not treated) after a sting.

Relieve Common Skin Conditions

Eczema Management

While there is no cure for eczema, there are treatments to help you manage the condition and relieve your symptoms. Depending on a patient’s age and the severity of symptoms, Dr. Angela may prescribe medication (oral and topical) or biologic drugs that calm the immune system and decrease inflammation and other symptoms. She may also suggest over-the-counter remedies. Most cases of eczema can be managed by avoiding known irritants and implementing a bathing and moisturizing routine. Dr. Angela will work with you to determine your irritants and develop a personalized treatment plan that works for you and your lifestyle.

Medications and Auto-Injectors

Hives, Urticaria, Angioedema

Once Dr. Angela determines the cause of your hives and swelling, she will recommend medications to prevent or reduce your symptoms. Antihistamines, corticosteroids, and epinephrine auto-injectors are the most commonly prescribed medications for these conditions. If Dr. Angela prescribes an auto-injector for your allergy, she will teach you how to use it to ensure that you avoid potentially life-threatening allergic reactions.

Get allergy and asthma relief from an empathetic expert.